Keystone Tutors works with a range of specialist tutors who can assist students approaching the UCAT for Oxbridge and other leading UK universities. Our tutors have extensive experience with the UCAT, both through having successfully sat the test and then gone on to tutor it. If you are considering applying to Medicine or Dentistry, our UCAT tutors can help with admissions test and interview support.
Here is a sample of the UCAT tutors we represent:
Jon is a former Head of Science with over 20 years' teaching experience. With a specialised focus on GCSE and A-level Science, alongside his expertise in university admissions, Jon brings a wealth of knowledge to each lesson. He joined Keystone in 2012 and has helped 290 Keystone families over this period, teaching more than 11,200 hours.
Daniele is a highly experienced tutor who has been teaching for over a decade. He is a qualified teacher and has a PhD in Chemistry from the University of Nottingham. Daniele aims to make Chemistry more accessible and engaging.
Mirza is a patient and inspiring tutor. He teaches Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Maths and has experience preparing students for the BMAT and UCAT.
Sarah is an extremely experienced educator and academic. Sarah studied in Canada and the UK and can help with Science and Maths across the board as well as Oxbridge admissions.
Will is an inspiring Maths, Science and Medicine tutor, with a stellar academic record. He completed a degree in Medicine at Oxford and is now completing a Masters in Public Health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, alongside his tutoring.
Shahid is an experienced tutor with a BSc in Cardiovascular Science from Imperial College. He teaches Biology, Chemistry and Physics at both GCSE and A Level, as well as supporting students with their university applications in these subjects.
"I am a very proud mum! My daughter was successful in receiving an offer from Oxford at her chosen college. What an amazing achievement. Thanks to you and all the team for your support, it was very worthwhile and very much appreciated."
Mother of Oxbridge Candidate"Many thanks for all your support for my son, it made a huge difference and I am sure he would not have had an interview in Oxford without your help. He enjoyed working with you and learnt a lot in a very short time!"
Mother of Oxbridge CandidateWant to know more about our tutors? Contact us today to discuss your requirements.
Universities use the UCAT to help rank applicants. The test is an incredibly important part of the medical school application process so it is wise to prepare effectively for it.
The UCAT tutors we represent can help applicants focus on topics they find most challenging. They can cover verbal reasoning, decision making, quantitative reasoning and abstract reasoning. They can also help in improving awareness of the issues in medical and personal ethics that inform the Situational Judgement section of the test. They will work on practicing and improving an applicants reasoning and decision making skills which are needed for each of the individual sections of the test.
Practice questions and marking criteria will be used extensively to get students familiar with the question format. All tutoring is tailored to the individual needs of each child based on their strengths, weaknesses, learning style and the entrance procedures of the medical course they are applying to.
Established in 2007, Keystone have helped over 10,000 students fulfil their educational potential. Uniquely, Keystone exclusively employs 60 full-time UK based tutors and also represents a highly select pool of freelance tutors. With offices in London, Hong Kong and Singapore and recommended by head teachers of top independent schools, we have an exceptional reputation for helping students (wherever they are in the world) achieve their best; delivering outstanding results, building confidence and instilling life-long intellectual curiosity.
We go the extra mile to match a great tutor with your child and ensure a perfect fit.
When you request a tutor through Keystone we spend a significant amount of time learning about your circumstances. Priding ourselves on how well we know our tutors’ specialist strengths and university institution experience, we ensure that we put forward the very best tutor for your requirements.
During the first session the tutor starts by assessing where the child is at, their academic ability, their strengths and perceived weaknesses. Tutors will then devise a programme tailored to the specific circumstances of the student and your target course.
After the first lesson, one of our dedicated client managers will contact you to find out how the lesson went. Our client managers are always available at the end of the phone and they are frequently praised for their efficiency, dedication and responsiveness.
Want to know more about our tutors? Contact us today to discuss your requirements.
The University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) is a medical and dental course admissions test used and created by multiple universities across the UK, Australia and New Zealand. It is used to assess candidates in conjunction with their UCAS application and is an important part of the medical school application process.
Read more in our Guide to the UCAT.
Yes. Our UCAT tutors are able to deliver in-person tuition in London. For those outside of central London we offer online tutoring.
The UCAT tutors we represent are well versed in delivering online tuition, using videoconferencing and an interactive whiteboard. This gives students, wherever they are in the world, access to experienced, high quality tutors who are familiar with the requirements of the UCAT admissions tests and Medical and Dentistry interviews.
We have a monthly reporting system which is used to update parents on an ongoing basis. The monthly report details:
The regular, rigorous reporting of the tutors we represent is frequently commended by parents.
A Guide to the University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT)
The University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) is a medical and dental course admissions test used and created by multiple universities across the UK, Australia and New Zealand. It is used to assess candidates in conjunction with your UCAS application and is an important part of your application. Make sure to check the entry criteria for your desired course to see if the test is a requirement. The importance of your UCAT score varies across universities.
A Guide to Oxford University Admissions Tests 2024
Competition for a place to study at undergraduate level at Oxford University is fierce. On average, they receive over 20,000 applications for approximately 3,250 places every year. This should not put off the prospective Oxford student, who will be well used to competition and accustomed to a challenge.
Want to know more about our tutors? Contact us today to discuss your requirements.