Keystone Tutors works with a range of specialist tutors who can assist students approaching university aptitude tests for Oxbridge including the HAT. Our History Aptitude Test tutors have extensive experience with the HAT, both through having successfully sat the test and then gone on to tutor it. The History Aptitude Test (HAT) is an exam used by Oxford University as part of their assessment process for candidates applying to study History.
Here is a sample of the HAT tutors we represent:
Alice is an Oxford-educated tutor who has taught over 10,600 hours through Keystone with more than 420 families. Her independent sector teaching experience enables her to provide a high level of support to her tutees.
Tom is a committed and experienced professional tutor whose practice is based on rigorous subject and educational knowledge, which has flourished through his work with over 160 Keystone families, since 2015. He offers stimulating, sympathetic and agile tutorials, with a particular emphasis on mentoring, motivation and confidence building.
Cyara is a highly intelligent and inspiring tutor who works across the age range. Her engaging style and goal orientated practice encourages students to invest more energy into their studies and gain more enjoyment from lessons.
Nicholas is a qualified History teacher, with over a decade of experience. He aims to assist students in developing their skills to establish a solid foundational knowledge. Nicholas is now completing a MA in Education and Technology at the UCL Institute of Education alongside his tutoring.
Mike was educated at Cambridge and is one of Keystone's most experienced History tutors. In the second half of each year he focuses largely on university entrance teaching, and since 2020 he has helped more than 90 candidates to secure places at Oxford or Cambridge. He has completed almost 2,500 hours of HAT tuition and more than 1,500 hours of Cambridge entrance tuition for History through Keystone.
Geoffrey is a passionate tutor with a wealth of academic experience. At his interview we were struck by his professionalism and drive.
Osman has a Masters in Intellectual History from St Andrews and has been tutoring since he was a student himself. He teaches humanities across the age range, as well as Maths up to GCSE. Osman's approach is thorough and methodical.
"I thought I would just let you know that on Tuesday I received an offer from St Anne’s to read History at Oxford! I wanted to thank you for guiding me through the process of the HAT. Your help to me has been invaluable and I enjoyed every minute of it. Thank you so much."
Successful Oxford HAT student"Without doubt, Tim was instrumental in helping me win a place to read History at Christ Church, Oxford. Tim benefits from an excellent knowledge and deep understanding of both the Oxbridge application process and college tutorial system."
Father of HAT applicantWant to know more about our tutors? Contact us today to discuss your requirements.
The HAT tutors we represent can help your child refine their skills at analysing and interpreting historical source material, and develop their ability to select evidence and make judicious use of their historical imagination.
They can take your child through practice papers to familiarise them with the time pressure and challenging nature of these exams. They can provide detailed feedback on their practice essays, and focus on developing areas of strength and reinforcing those topics or skills which your child finds challenging and approaching History at higher level.
All tutoring is tailored to the individual needs of each child based on their strengths, weaknesses, learning style and the entrance procedures of the course they are applying to.
We can guide your child through every step of the competitive application process to study History at Oxford and introduce you to specialist tutors who can support with applications and preparation for the HAT and History interviews as well as broader application support and further reading recommendations.
Established in 2007, Keystone have helped over 10,000 students fulfil their educational potential. Uniquely, Keystone exclusively employs 60 full-time UK based tutors and also represents a highly select pool of freelance tutors. With offices in London, Hong Kong and Singapore and recommended by head teachers of top independent schools, we have an exceptional reputation for helping students (wherever they are in the world) achieve their best; delivering outstanding results, building confidence and instilling life-long intellectual curiosity.
We go the extra mile to match a great tutor with your child and ensure a perfect fit.
When you request a tutor through Keystone we spend a significant amount of time learning about your circumstances. Priding ourselves on how well we know our tutors’ specialist strengths and university institution experience, we ensure that we put forward the very best tutor for your requirements.
During the first session the tutor starts by assessing where the child is at, their academic ability, their strengths and perceived weaknesses. Tutors will then devise a programme tailored to the specific circumstances of the student and your target course.
After the first lesson, one of our dedicated client managers will contact you to find out how the lesson went. Our client managers are always available at the end of the phone and they are frequently praised for their efficiency, dedication and responsiveness.
Want to know more about our tutors? Contact us today to discuss your requirements.
Yes. Our HAT tutors are able to deliver in-person tuition in London. For those outside of central London we offer online tutoring.
The HAT tutors we represent are well versed in delivering online tuition, using videoconferencing and an interactive whiteboard. This gives students, wherever they are in the world, access to experienced, high quality tutors who are familiar with the requirements of the HAT admissions tests and History interviews.
We have a monthly reporting system which is used to update parents on an ongoing basis. The monthly report details:
The regular, rigorous reporting of the tutors we represent is frequently commended by parents.
The Oxford History Admissions Test (HAT)
The History Admissions Test (HAT) – previously the History Aptitude Test – is a source-based test that all History students applying to study at Oxford University must sit. The test format might be unfamiliar to A-level or IB History students, being a test of skills, rather than substantive historical knowledge. It is therefore well worth familiarising yourself with parameters and format, as well as details of registering for the test as set out below.
History Super Curricular Activities
How do Super-curricular Activities help applicants to top Universities? Anybody can say that they have a passion for history and many people do. Most of us are interested in some aspect of the past, whether we are keen students of local history or the traditions associated with our favourite sport, or fascinated by a particular figure whom we have encountered in a book or historical drama on TV.
Want to know more about our tutors? Contact us today to discuss your requirements.