The Modern and Medieval Languages Admissions Assessment (MMLAA) - Cambridge

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24 April, 2019

Keystone's Director of Education, Ed Richardson and senior tutor Jon Gale discuss UK Engineering Degrees.

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24 July, 2024

This guide is for anyone applying to sit Classics or any combination involving Classics at the University of Oxford. In the sections below you can find out if you need to sit the test and how you go about doing that. There is also some advice on how best to prepare for the test and how important the test will be to your application to study at Oxford.

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22 July, 2024

Competition for a place to study at undergraduate level at Oxford University is fierce. On average, they receive over 20,000 applications for approximately 3,250 places every year. This should not put off the prospective Oxford student, who will be well used to competition and accustomed to a challenge.

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