Medicine tutors


Sarah is an extremely experienced educator and academic. Sarah studied in Canada and the UK and can help with Science and Maths across the board as well as Oxbridge admissions.


Will is an inspiring Maths, Science and Medicine tutor, with a stellar academic record. He completed a degree in Medicine at Oxford and is now completing a Masters in Public Health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, alongside his tutoring.


Mirza is a patient and inspiring tutor. He teaches Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Maths and has experience preparing students for the BMAT and UCAT.

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Applying to Medical School

Places to study at medical schools in the UK are highly sought after, by both domestic and international students, and require a great degree of commitment from prospective applicants. Understanding just what medical school involves can really help you decide whether it’s right for you and, once you’re sure it is, give you the very best chance of securing a place at the school of your choice.

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University Choices

‘What shall I do when I leave school?’ is just one of a number of important questions students make during their final three years at school. But, it is one that they shouldn’t feel daunted by as this is an exciting time and, typically, the final step in their formal education. The most salient point to remember is that there is a spider’s web of people from whom they can seek advice: teachers, parents, friends and even current university students.

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