Undergraduate Accounting Tutors


Clio spent 10 years working as an Actuary before starting her tutoring career. She is passionate about Maths and aims to inspire her students with her knowledge and enthusiasm. Clio has delivered 1,300 hours of 1:1 tutoring as well as running multiple Keystone courses.


Trudi is a Maths and Business tutor with a background in accountancy. Her gentle and supportive approach encourages students and really helps boost their confidence in their subjects and skills.


Rishi has a degree from City University in Computer Science and Mathematics. He is a patient tutor who has over nine years of 1:1 experience and who focuses on building confidence in his students.


Meghna is a motivating and inspiring tutor with a stellar academic background. She has a PhD in Management, Finance, and Accounting from King’s College London and has supported students from GCSE to PhD level in a variety of subjects.


Alex is an experienced tutor with a stellar academic record. His passion lies in Economics and Business, as well as preparing students for top universities. Alex enjoys helping students to reach their potential.

Feedback on Keystone Tutors

"The lessons were enjoyable and I will definitely miss them! I found them really helpful and I think that I was beginning to improve in certain areas. I think that the in depth explanations that introduced each topic was also really helpful and enjoyable."

A Level Student

"I found today's class extremely useful and it really jogged my memory on binomial distribution. You have really simplified the whole process of binomial distribution and I really appreciate that since it can be quite complicated."

A Level Student

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