Guide to Computerised Pre-tests

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10 June, 2024

As a parent looking for information about how best to prepare your child for the 11 Plus exams, you may have encountered the terms CEM and GL and wondered what on earth they refer to! When it comes to the 11 Plus, these terms refer to two of the assessment manufacturers who develop and provide the 11 Plus tests.

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14 December, 2023

What is the UKiset test?The UK Independent Schools’ Entry Test (UKiset) is an adaptive computerised assessment designed for overseas students aged between 9 and 18 years old. Many UK independent schools require overseas students to take this test as part of their admissions process, as it serves as a pre-test to help schools identify the most suitable candidates and can be used to identify a candidates's strengths, weaknesses and learning preferences.

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7 September, 2023

The ISEB Common Pre-Tests are very commonly used by senior independent schools as a part of their admissions process.

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