Webinar: 16+ Preparation

Last Updated: 20 June, 2024

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26 June, 2024

In recent years, many independent senior schools have incorporated ‘Pre-tests’ as an initial entry assessment for Year 7 and 9 entry. Pre-tests commonly form the first stage of the admissions process, and schools use them to identify the students who are most suitable to proceed to the next stage. Pre-tests can be administered in written form or on a computer, with the ISEB Common Pre-Test, CEM Test and the CAT 4 being the most widely used.

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In this webinar Keystone's Managing Director, Ed Richardson, was joined by Jenny McGowan, Keystone's Director of Asia, to discuss the sorts of preparation students can complete over the Summer Holidays of Year 12 to ensure they submit a strong UCAS application. The discussion covers how to prepare effectively with particular reference to the importance of super-curricular learning, admissions tests and the personal statement.

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Keystone's Director in Asia, Jenny McGowan, was joined by Keystone's Managing Director, Ed Richardson, to discuss the Oxbridge application process. Their discussion covered the differences between Oxford and Cambridge, course choice, the importance of super-curricular learning, admissions tests, interviews and how to prepare effectively.

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