How to Choose a British Independent School for Your Child

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24 October, 2023

What does the term SEND mean? The term "special educational needs and disabilities" constitutes a legal classification that encompasses children who encounter learning difficulties or disabilities that pose greater obstacles to their learning compared to the majority of children their age.

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30 July, 2020

The UK education system can be confusing, especially for international families whose children are being educated elsewhere. This blog aims to give an overview of the system and to define the key terms you might see when conducting research. Before reading the rest of the blog do take a look at our Educational Roadmap linked here, which will allow you to determine which UK school year your child is in. The age cut-off date is September 1st in the UK – e.g.

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9 July, 2020

UK independent schools tend to have defined entry points and clear processes from registration to assessment and interview.

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