8 Plus Reading List

Last Updated: 1 December, 2021

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5 October, 2021

Vocabulary plays a crucial part in all aspects of communication; listening, speaking, reading and writing. Children taking the 8 Plus exam will need to have a good range of vocabulary to call on in interviews, and when completing the reading, writing and reasoning aspects of the entrance exams.This age group will be developing their use of logic and understanding of cause and effect.

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24 September, 2024

In this webinar Keystone's Managing Director, Ed Richardson, was joined by one of Keystone’s most experienced Professional Tutors, Steph Kitson-Smith, to discuss 7+ and 8+ entry processes and considerations. Ed and Steph looked to cover all key aspects of the 7+ and 8+ entry process, from registration timelines to assessments and interview formats. They advise on how and when to start preparing for assessments and interviews, and how to finalise your shortlist of schools.

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15 November, 2023

Historically boys would sit for the 8+ and girls for the 7+. This was based around the fact that it was traditionally accepted that boys mature a little later than girls at this age. Assessing them later meant that they had more time to develop and show their true potential. However, nowadays many schools offer both 7+ and 8+ entry and as such parents have the option to consider which might be most suitable.

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