11 Plus Reading List

Last Updated: 1 December, 2021

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11 October, 2021

In order to excel in the 11 Plus, children need to have a wide vocabulary to draw on. Good vocabulary knowledge will help in all aspects of the English exam (reading, writing, verbal reasoning) as well as in the interviews. Comprehending the reading part of the exam requires knowledge of what the individual words mean and what they mean within the context of the particular comprehension.

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26 July, 2024

Choosing the right school for your child is a pivotal decision, and for parents in Essex, the selection of grammar schools offers a pathway to exceptional education. In this article exploring the best grammar schools in Essex, as well as the admissions process, we aim to equip parents with the knowledge to make an informed decision that aligns with their child's needs and aspirations.

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24 July, 2024

Grammar schools are a distinctive and significant part of the UK education system, promoting opportunity to those with the ability to perform at the highest standards for their age. They are state-funded secondary schools that select their students based on academic ability. This is assessed through performance in the 11+ exam, which includes assessment in Mathematics, English, Verbal Reasoning and Non-Verbal Reasoning.

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