How to Set Up a Home School

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2 August, 2023

Homeschooling has gained immense popularity in recent years, offering families an alternative approach to education that caters to their unique needs and aspirations. This rise has come as a result of many factors, one of which is of course the pandemic, as shown in this 2022 article by the BBC. In an article published in May 2023, The Guardian cited this rise and commented on the risk of those missing out on education through a lack of homeschooling structure.

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5 July, 2023

Keystone's Head of Elective & Homeschooling, Poppy Dundas, was joined by Sarah Warley, Founder at The Key Clinic. Together they discussed the work that Sarah and her team do at The Key Clinic, getting to the root cause of a child's difficulties in order to unlock their full potential. They discussed this in relation to homeschooling and tutoring, and the common issues seen within children.To find out more about how Keystone can support with homeschooling, do follow this link.

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5 July, 2024

Attending a summer school or summer course can be an unforgettable experience for students and is a fantastic opportunity to learn and gain new skills whilst meeting new friends. There are a huge range of summer school options available which can sometimes be quite overwhelming. We thought it would be helpful to answer some frequently asked questions and list some of our recommendations for summer schools in this article.

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